There’s an app for that. If you have heard that saying multiple times in just the last week, then that’s because it is the truth. There is a mobile application for practically everything you can imagine: warming up your cup of coffee on your smartphone, demotivating you on your worst days and simply telling others “Yo.”
The mobile app market is a multi-billion-dollar one. Just scour through the pages of Google Play or the App Store, and you will find an endless stream of apps being developed by the day.
Want to get in? Well, you will need to first develop an app for the Android, and this can be a bit complicated and difficult, especially if you have never established one before. How can you do it? Let’s get started.
Here are five basic tips for custom Android app development:
1. Get Active in Forums & Communities
Trying to determine how to insert certain does? Want to get some assistance? Well, one of the best things you can do is not a Google search that will send you down the rabbit hole, but rather getting active in forums and communities.
By being involved in forums and communities related to app development, you can quite a lot from your peers. And, when you’re stuck, you can get real-time advice from those in-the-know.
This is especially important when you’re trying to meet deadlines.
2. Find Out the Latest Trends
Let’s be honest: some apps have outlived their purpose. They’re no longer useful, or they have failed to adapt to the times – apps may be a decade old, but that’s a long time on the Internet.
It is up to you to avoid entering the dustbins of history. How can you achieve this? It’s easy: find out the latest trends, what today’s generation of smartphone users want and how you can ensure you’re always staying up-to-date.
Perhaps it is easier said than done, but you must always remain on top of the newest trends.
3. Ensure UX is Superb & Fast
The user experience is key to a successful Android app. If the design is boring, the loading time is slow, and using the app itself is too intricate, then you will have an abandonment rate that inches upward every single day.
Moreover, and this ties into the previous point, the UX is constantly evolving as well. Sure, a webpage downloading in 30 seconds was revolutionary 20 years ago. Today? That will cause users to lose their minds!
4. Test Your App Over & Over Again
Upon release to the general public, you want to avoid having bugs and errors in your app. This will negatively impact your reputation, and will definitely ensure users don’t come back.
You can prevent that from happening by simply testing your app over and over again. Whether it is beta-testing or live-testing, you can hire industry experts to undergo testing of the app.
Should they come across an issue, then you need to fix it right away.
In addition, it would also be smart to regularly test your app when it’s available for downloads.
5. Pay Attention to What Users Are Saying
Following public release of your Android app, there will inevitably be reviews of the app, either on Google Play or on app review websites.
Here is a bit of advice: never take it too personal. Rather than collapsing into the fetal position on your sofa, you should take the negative reviews as a positive thing. This allows you to adopt user suggestions, which also conveys to the public that you are paying attention their complaints, recommendations and thoughts.
Android app development can be hard, particularly for newcomers. Some may want to circumvent utilizing professional app developers and tap their own skills. Should you decide to go down this path, you must be ready for hard work, constant testing and a lot of learning.
If you employ these rudimentary measures, then you’ll have a superb Android app.