6 Ways on How to Get Emergency Money

A lot of people have their money tied up in investments and other things. Occasionally, life throws a wrench at you, so you wonder how to get emergency money quickly. In the same way, for others, occasionally something happens and they cannot wait until payday to get their cheque. They need money now. This is…

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9 Most Common Disabilities in Canada

Disabilities can be debilitating to your everyday life.Β It can affect virtually every aspect of one’s life, affecting their social, physical, and mental development. There are more than 4 million Canadians living with a disability, according to estimates by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). If one is disabled, thankfully, they are allowed to file a…

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8 Essential Hand Signals for Bike Riding

Hand signals help reduce the chances of a cyclist causing an accident or being involved in one. Whenever you are riding a bike, remember that there are different hand signals for different situations. Remember to use the below hand signals the next time you go for a ride. Your safety and that of other cyclists…

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10 Pros and Cons of Tax Lien Investing

Tax lien investing can be a great way to diversify your investment portfolio and make some extra money. The popularity of this type of investing has grown over the years, and it’s easy to understand why. Many people have been attracted to investing in tax liens because of their high potential returns, low risk, and…

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10 Best Outdoor Sports for Seniors and Retirees

Enjoying the great outdoors is a major focal point for people during the summer. Physical fitness is one of the more popular activities people enjoy out of their home. For those living in retirement homes, planning entertaining outdoor group activities is a wonderful way to socialize with the neighbours in a comfortable and close environment….

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