5 Plumbing Myths You Need to Ignore

The plumbing of your home is probably something that you don’t think about until there is a problem with it. The most common household problems that you will encounter are leaks and a loss of water pressure. If you don’t know what to do in this situation, the best thing to do is to call…

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7 Most Popular Uses of a Self Storage Unit

Self storage units are an economical location for individuals to store their assets and other belongings in a secure and protected environment. However, you may be thinking, why don’t I just keep my things at home or at my office? One’s home or office is a great place to store your valued belongings, but sometimes…

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7 Different Types of Italian Pizza

Foodies can be practically religious about their pizza. The popular dish is a very decisive issue within pockets of the cuisine community. Many consider the only legitimate pizza is an authentic Italian pizza, with its subtle seasonings and simple construction. Others are ardent supporters of what most would call the American pizza, a thick crusted…

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10 Best Tips for SR&ED Documentation

SR&ED is a funding program for Canadian businesses. Proper documentation is critical to successfully filing an SR&ED claim. You must show records and evidence that support the statements being made in a claim. In addition, the documents must demonstrate how your project relates to SR&ED and how it fulfills the criteria. Documenting the outcome and…

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9 Botox Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Botox is becoming more popular among both men and women of all age groups. Yet, there are many myths surrounding Botox that still exist. Don’t let misinformation stop you from regaining your confidence and freshening your look with Botox. We’re here to dispel common, long-standing myths and give you the real truth behind them, so…

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6 Do’s & Don’ts for Your Insurance Claims

The thought of having to submit an insurance claim after you have been in an accident can be stressful and overwhelming. Many insurance companies are large and bureautic and dealing with them can be a lengthy process. However, after an accident, you deserve the benefits and protection that come with insurance. While insurance companies are…

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10 Different Ways to Invest Money to Make Money

An investment that makes money will not necessarily yield an immediate return. Some investments take years to mature properly and provide a significant return. If you’re interested in investing money to make money, you must consider your short-term and long-term financial objectives. There are many ways to invest, each with pros and cons regarding whether…

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4 Benefits of Going to Chiropractic Services

Millions of people around the country every year are suffering from chronic pain that seriously affects their lives. This leads to people taking sick days from work and reducing productivity. Quite apart from this, it also leads to millions of people taking strong pain medications and potentially becoming addicted to them. This is where a…

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